Narcissistic Personality Quiz

Narcissistic Personality Quiz

Who Is This Quiz For?

This quiz is designed for individuals curious about their personality traits, specifically about narcissistic tendencies. Whether you are interested in self-reflection or just exploring aspects of personality psychology, this quiz offers insightful questions.

How Accurate Is It?

While this quiz is crafted with care and based on general principles of personality assessment, it should not be considered a diagnostic tool. The accuracy of the results can vary, and it is not a substitute for a professional psychological evaluation. Remember, no online test can fully capture the complexities of individual personality traits.

Understanding Your Result

Your result will provide a perspective on your answers about narcissistic traits. A higher score might indicate a tendency towards such traits, while a lower score suggests fewer such tendencies. However, it’s essential to approach these results as a source of introspection, not a definitive assessment of one’s personality.

We Made It With Care

We’ve developed this quiz to provide an engaging and reflective experience. We aim to offer a starting point for self-discovery and understanding, not to label or judge.

How to Take the Quiz

Getting Started
Taking the Narcissistic Personality Quiz is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get the most accurate results:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: To focus on your responses, find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted.
  2. Be Honest: Answer each question honestly. Remember, this quiz is for your insight. There are no right or wrong answers, just your true feelings and thoughts.
  3. Take Your Time: Don’t rush through the questions. Reflect on each question and choose the answer that best represents how you think, feel, or behave.
  4. Answer All Questions: The quiz consists of 20 questions. Make sure to answer each one, as skipping questions could affect the accuracy of your results.
  5. Understand the Questions: Each question offers multiple-choice answers. Read all the choices carefully before making your selection.

Completing the Quiz
Once you have answered all the questions, submit your answers. The quiz will automatically calculate your results based on your responses.

After the Quiz
Upon completion, you’ll receive an assessment indicating whether it’s likely or less likely that you have narcissistic personality traits. Remember, the result of this quiz is not a clinical diagnosis. It’s a starting point for self-discovery and personal growth.

Note: The quiz is self-paced, so feel free to take a break and return to it if needed. Your responses are confidential.

Narcissistic Personality Quiz

Next Steps Based on Your Results

1. You Might Have Narcissistic Personality Traits
If your results suggest the presence of narcissistic traits, consider the following steps:

  • Self-Reflection: Consider how these traits affect your life and relationships. Are there areas you’d like to improve or work on?
  • Seek Feedback: Talk to trusted friends or family members about your behaviors and be open to their feedback.
  • Professional Help: Consider consulting a therapist or counselor who can provide personalized advice and strategies to manage or modify these traits.
  • Personal Growth: Explore resources like self-help books, workshops, or online courses focusing on empathy, humility, and emotional intelligence.

2. It’s Less Likely That You Have Narcissistic Personality Traits
If your results lean away from narcissistic traits, you may still find the following suggestions helpful:

  • Continued Self-Exploration: Continue exploring various aspects of your personality. Self-awareness is critical to personal growth.
  • Empathy Practice: Practice empathy and active listening in daily interactions, as these are valuable skills for all.
  • Education: Learn more about narcissism and other personality traits. Understanding others can improve your interpersonal relationships.
  • Maintain Balance: Be mindful of not going to the opposite extreme. Confidence and self-worth are also essential traits.

Disclaimer and Liability

The contents of this quiz, including all related information and results, are provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. They are not intended to substitute for a qualified physician or mental health provider’s consultation, diagnosis, or medical treatment. Any decisions you make based on this quiz and its results are your sole responsibility. We assume no liability for personal interpretation or application of the quiz results.


  • Jensen Marlowe

    Founder and Lead Writer, Narcissistic Exposed: Established the blog with a mission to spread awareness about narcissism and its effects on personal relationships. Jensen combines his academic background in psychology with personal insights and experiences to create content that resonates with a wide audience.

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